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Here you can find the covers and summaries of Roberto Freire’s most important books.  Most of his books are currently out of print, waiting for new editions. However, it’s possible to find his books in stores specializing in used books, libraries and some titles are still available at big bookstores.

Here you can also find some of João da Mata’s titles on Soma and other related topics.  It’s possible to purchase them on this website.  To get these books send an e-mail to João da Mata. You will receive an answer about our purchase procedures.

A Liberdade do Corpo: Soma, capoeira angola e anarquismo (João da Mata)

During more than fifteen years exploring capoeira universe, the somatherapists from Coletivo Anarquista Brancaleone met, trained, learned and studied the basis of capoeira angola and its explanation as therapeutic instrument.   This book is a report based on the fascinating discovery of  this popular art, full of libertarian sense of rare originality.  Light, simple and passionate, it should awake readers to search their own libertarian ways and lead them to a social and solidary life, fighting authoritarianism and hierarchism.

Prazer e Rebeldia – O materialismo hedonista de Michel Onfray (João da Mata)

João da Mata writes his first book about French philosopher published in Brazil. It focuses on the philosophical background which affected Michel Ofray and the tasks which are considered indispensable by him to exercise freedom nowadays.  The light clear text reveals the essencial libertarianism of Onfray, and point out many aspects of the European philosopher who is the most read by youngsters today.  Achiamé publishing house.

SOMA, Vol 1 – A alma é o Corpo

It’s by far a technical book for specialists in Psychology. It’s a vehement and passionate manifesto about the revolutionary possibilities of free thought regarding science and – mostly – everyday life.  Using direct speech, without hermetic codes, this book reaches not only professionals, but also laymen.  The volume presents a summary of theoretical suppositions on Soma practicing.

SOMA, Vol 2 – A Arma é o Corpo

In this volume, Roberto Freire talks about Soma methodology, showing how this therapy is completely different from the existing ones. The reading of this book teaches how Soma practicing happens, presenting summaries about the exercises, its reading and conclusions which comprise each somatherapy session. It also approaches other practices such as, grupões   (group meetings without a therapist), marathons and capoeira angola exercises, among others.

SOMA, Vol 3 – Corpo a Corpo (by João da Mata)

Summary of the books Soma: An anarchist therapy vol. 1 and Soma: An anarchist therapy Vol. 2.  Body to Body is an introductory book.  By using simple and straight language, this summary explains this libertarian therapeutic technique, clearly eliciting its philosophical and political basis.

Utopia e Paixão (by Fausto Brito)

Out of print after many editions, its content pictures the matter of freedom as one of essential elements in the rank of human values.  The author questions authoritarianism which permeates the group of social relations, family, affective relationship, school, massive means of communication, Estate and political parties.  Depolarization of social relations and political experience with no passion are identified as the basis of authoritarianism.  The book defends everyday politics as a way to escape from contradictions and traditional political embezzlement.

Sem Tesão Não Há Solução

The Best-seller defends the end of the blockage imposed by our society to pleasure satisfaction, gathering three essays.  They scrutinize Roberto Freire’s studies and thoughts on Psychology and Politics.  According to Freire, “No Plasure, No Solution” influenced the introduction of the word “tesão”(pleasure in Portuguese) to Brazilian spoken Portuguese.  In the past, the word was simply used to describe sexual excitement.  After many editions of the book, the word is no longer considered a vulgar expression and it’s even used by people of all ages and social stratum. “Tesão” soon spread over literature, magazines, newspaper, radio and TV, always keeping the meaning Freire has given to the word: passion for something pleasant, beautiful and joyful.

Ame e Dê Vexame

How can you save Love from death row?  Roberto Freire teaches how to avoid the fear of shame when love is taken by surprise.  “Love with no Shame” talks about the difficulties of joyful love life in a society opposed to feelings. The book, based on Roberto Freire’s thoughts and personal experiences, works as a light and funny script in favor of permanent gratification, in spite of warnings of a society based on exploitation and consumption.  In these texts on such a flaming topic, the author explains the advantages of diving deeply into what might cause scandal at certain moment, love; but in time it reveals by itself as the only motivation to remain alive.


Beautiful and disturbing Coyote triggers, like a vortex, an adventure of unpredictable consequences. Among new revolutionary physical methods of therapy and utopian ways of anarchist life in community, between hypocrite social relations and violence of repressive mechanisms, a love story is developed – sometimes impossible, sometimes furious, sometimes magical, because it comes from the future to settle down and stay instead of the bourgeois love (Romance).

Cléo e Daniel

Best-seller in 1960’s, it’s still very current for talking about behavior matters and conflicts between generations.  Considered Brazilian Romeo and Juliet, the essence of this romance is the relation between opposites: freedom and repression, break and complacency.  A disenchanted psychoanalyst with his profession finds the case of his life: two teenagers who summarize the main problems of a time. They are submitted to mistaken traditional treatments.  Around all this, the 1960’s intellectual community and the middle class of São Paulo pass by, with no means to deal with their own problems (Romance).

Eu é um outro (autobiography)

“My original intention was to write a simple report on my story of life. However, it ended up becoming a kind of romance, full of adventures, revolutionary fights and fascinating passions.  These experiences were lived during the main moments of artistic, scientific and political Brazilian life over most of 20th century.  I’m ashamed of such honest exposure, but I ended up publishing the book, reminding what poet Arthur Rimbaud had stated, at his seventeen years-old, ‘I is another’”. Roberto Freire

editora maianga

Os Cúmplices, Vol 1

This book communicates the same passion, identical poetry and political anarchist conscious defended by Roberto Freire and presented especially in his romances “Cléo and Daniel” and “Coyote”. The brothers Bruno and Victor Conti, his main characters, live and survive during 1950’a and 1960’s in Brazil, moved by pleasure, joy and adventure.  They discover vital and original complicity which reveals even stronger than love.  It becomes the only real freedom and possible during the darkness and violence of a society emerged in 1964.  Fascism tries to kill love, to restrain freedom by hunting remaining freedom to stop love from existing.

Os Cúmplices, Vol 2


Neste segundo volume de Os Cúmplices, Freire narra de modo apaixonado os fatos humanos e políticos mais importantes de sua vida pessoal e social, através dos irmãos Bruno e Victor Conti, filhos de imigrantes italianos que, como ele próprio, nasceram no bairro Bixiga, dedicando-se mais tarde, também como ele, ao jornalismo, ao teatro e à vida revolucionária.
Romance de amor e paixões, em que o sexo é tratado de forma franca e aberta, o livro procura mostrar que a cumplicidade é a melhor forma de exercer o amor e a paixão, especialmente quando se tem de sobreviver num lugar em que a liberdade está impedida e é negada a justiça social, como aconteceu tragicamente no Brasil em 1964 com o golpe militar fascista .

Viva eu, viva tu, viva o rabo do tatu!


Coletânea de artigos de Roberto Freire, tratando dos mais diversos temas relacionados à teoria e à prática da Soma, assim como a questões da política ou da cultura brasileiras.

A Farsa Ecológica

(Português) A posição dos anarquistas em relação à ecologia é, sem dúvida, radical, mas esse radicalismo atende à situação de emergência, de calamidade mundial, declarada unânime e oficialmente pelos responsáveis políticos e científicos de todos os países do mundo. A vida na Terra pede socorro. Se vamos atender a esse pedido, que seja de modo corajoso, imediato, direto, radical e eficiente.

Liv e Tatziu – Uma História de Amor Incestuoso


Nesta história Roberto Freire desafia o leitor a refletir sobre a (im)possibilidade de realização de uma paixão entre dois seres que fuja à regra estabelecida entre as “elites” e a família. A obra literária de Freire é pródiga nesse tipo de provocação: o amor carnal entre dois gêmeos. Para o pano de fundo do drama vivido pelos dois irmãos, Freire escolheu outro conflito: a luta do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra, o MST, pela reforma agrária.

O tesão e o sonho


Psicólogo cansado de atender burgueses resolve escrever um livro que aborda momentos decisivos na vida dos jovens. Numa trama instigante, trechos de cartas de um ex-paciente entremeiam a narrativa do terapeuta, que retrata o Brasil das classes alta, média e baixa. O enredo permite discutir temas importantes, como o exercício democrático do debate e a busca da identidade.

3/4 (Três Quartos) (drama)

A reunion of three of Roberto Freire’s plays: Maid’s room, Student’s room and Hotel room.

Histórias Cultas e Grossas, Vol 1 & Vol 2

It’s really difficfult to distinguish, in straight short stories, what is erotic from what can be considered pornographic. The author keeps his guts far from the matter, stating he wrote stories on explicit life, adding: “this kind of thing depends much more on the reader who, thanks to their own fantasies and wishes, will rescue their sensual pleasure hidden there, the same way, in the naturally possible erotic beauty and in the inevitable obscene violence of everyday affective sexual life.  Every libertarian love, unfortunately, tends to be a bit libertine.” (Tales)

O Momento Culminante

Glassy corpses in a misterious case which must be solved by a Brazilian detective, Leonardo de Castro.  He’s a forty year-old guy who lives and divides his love between two women. Leonardo chooses his cases based on artitic, scientific or simply emotional criterions.  Leonardo works for love and not because he needs.  Traveling from Rio de Janeiro to Germany, he investigates the missing of an arts student, whose boyfriend is the main suspect of the crime. The hypothesis is soon discarded, though. ( Romance).

Moleques de rua (juvenile)

The book presents a character named João Pão (bread in Portuguese), a street kid who is called like that because he believes that keeping a piece of bread underneath his shirt will bring him luck.  Roberto Freire’s simple narrative makes a great book where the typical violent  situations are discribed in a very straight way.  The jokes, drugs, rapes and life of this kid and his folks are shown to the reader, who absorbs the terror and their absurd lives, by using honesty and a lot of poetry, after all.

Vida de artista (CD)

First Roberto Freire’s album  presents not only his poems, but also other ones composed by Léo Ferré and Arthur Rimbaud, all musicalized by Pedro and Paulo Freire.  The project had many more participants such as Adriano Busko, Ana Salvagni, Benjamin Taubkin, Bocato, Bruno Rossi, Chico César, Cláudio Celso, Dalga Larrondo, Danilo Moraes, Douglas Alonso, Esdras Rodrigues, Fábio Tagliaferri, Felipe Pinheiro, Homero Lolito, Jô de Souza, Ju Audrá, Léa Freire, Mane Silveira, Mário Manga, Mônica Salmaso, Ná Ozzeti, Rogério Rochlitz, Skowa, Swami Júnior, Toninho Ferragutti, Vítor Alcântara, Wandi Doratiotto, Zé Esmerindo, Zé Márcio Zema.


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